Create a Floating/Undocked Non-sigleton Window in Netbeans

first of all some really useful links on this topic:

To create a TopComponent which is undocked by default, one need to define an undock (or floating ) mode.

To do so, create a new XML file and call it "newModeUnDock.xml"

Wriet following in the file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mode version="2.3">
    <name unique="newModeUnDock" />
    <kind type="editor" />
    <state type="separated" />
        <path orientation="vertical" number="0" weight="0.5"/>
        <path orientation="horizontal" number="1" weight="0.5"/>
    <bounds x="312" y="237" width="679" height="378" />
    <frame state="0"/>
    <active-tc  id="ShowAllStats" />
    <empty-behavior permanent="true"/>

Now register this file in layer.xml, under Windows2/Mode :

            <file name="newModeUnDock.xml" url="newModeUnDock.xml"/>

and save layer.xml

Alternatively, Expand layer.xml,/<this layer> or <this layer in context>/Windows2/Mode, and make a new file there with the above name and content. and save layer.xml file.

Now, in the TopComponent add :

    public void open() {
        Mode mode = WindowManager.getDefault().findMode("newModeUnDock");
save and run, there will be a floating window.

To hide the tabs in the undock window, simply follow these two blogs:


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