Create New File Type resolver and associate the data type in Netbeans
1. make a new xml Document ( eg, PdbResolver) 2.choose DTD Constrained Documenton the second page of the new Xml Document wizard 3. On third page, in the DTD Public Id, choose, -//NetBeans//DTD MIME Resolver 1.0//EN, from the drop down menu 4. save it 5. make a new java file , call it as DataObject ( eg: PdbDataObject), write ur code... 6. save it, and add @MIMEResolver.Registration(displayName = "PdbResolver", resource = "/alifea/gui/PdbResolver.xml") for registering the mime tyoe to the data object file 7. In the layer file add <folder name="x-pdb"> <folder name="Factories"> <file name="PdbDataLoader.instance"> ...